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  1. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Slams cancelling knockback

    In Smash, using a slam attack very often cancels all horizontal momentum. Someone will be jumping towards you, you hit them mid air with a baseball bat, and they should go flying off the stage, but then they do a slam attack and land safely on the island, throwing you backwards. Is this...
  2. I_AmTheReaper

    Lobby replay system not working

    this is what's shown when attempting to view a replay http://prntscr.com/RZLpfAcX9zjU
  3. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Can items stop breaking now?

    Now that smash has been updated, can we revisit whether or not items should break? Cause it happens at random times and it's extremely frustrating. When you have an item, you should be able to play as though you have it, taking risks that your item can bail you out of should they go wrong. Then...
  4. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Various feedback now that I've had some time to get used to the update.

    As the title suggests, here are my thoughts on some of the elements of smash. First and foremost, I'd like to say that I'm very happy with how the team balanced the items. Reducing the trident to only 2 uses, making the bomb relevant, making grenades arc instead of fly in a straight line, all...
  5. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Two extremely annoying smash bugs

    1. Sometimes the double jump just doesn't reset. You land, you walk around for a bit, you get blown up, and suddenly you find yourself unable to double jump. (Without doing a booty slam.) 2. The trident doesn't work sometimes. You pull it back, let go, and nothing happens. Extremely frustrating...
  6. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Update the smash changelog please.

    The smash changelog is severely outdated. Please update it.
  7. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Slight balance change to the Bomb item

    Gonna keep this brief. The current iteration of the bomb item is definitely significantly better than the old, usually unhelpful version; well done. However, there is one slight problem with it: the fuse is so short that if a bomb is thrown at you, even if you double jump away from it...
  8. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Smash Items

    Good morning, noon, or night. I recently made a hastily written, 1 line thread about the trident (Dreizack) in Smash. Here I intend to elaborate on that, as well as highlight some issues with some of the other items. So, I previously stated that the trident should only have 1 use instead of 3...
  9. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Dreizack is too powerful

    Trident should break after 1 use, not 3. it's far too powerful. If an opponent has one they're essentially impossible to kill.
  10. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Items disappearing

    Items in smash will just randomly disappear out of your hand. No warning, no timer, just gone. Is this intentional? If so there needs to be some kind of warning. I had a trident with 3 uses in my hand and right when i needed it it disappeared. This has happened multiple times to me and i'm sure...
  11. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Smash not closing

    Everyones dead, im the only one left, the game isn't ending. this has happened twice today Also for some reason on green hills there were 2 teams of 2 just now
  12. I_AmTheReaper

    Smash Death plane too high

    Hey The death plane in Smash is too high. Sometimes when you get knocked into the void with a trident you die before you can even pull it back. It would be nice if you had a little more time to fall before you die.
  13. I_AmTheReaper

    Minecraft Party Knockout maps

    Hey I find the knockout maps too large. Sometimes you just get unlucky with where you spawn and have to run around for 20 seconds to even get to another opponent. You can do everything right and still only get half as many kills as someone who's fortunate enough to spawn near lots of other...
  14. I_AmTheReaper

    Minecraft Party Follow the Leader Minispiel

    Hey All players start in the same 3x3 area. A player is chosen at random to be the leader. The leader Has 10 seconds to go anywhere he or she wants. After that, everyone else has 15 seconds to get into the same 3x3 area as the leader. Players that fail to do so are eliminated. A new, different...
  15. I_AmTheReaper

    Bedwars TNT trigger time

    Hallo zusammen Wie ihr alle schon wisst, tnt macht nun auch am zuender schaden. Macht eigentlich sinn, daher das es unmoeglich war tnt zu kontern. Jz das es am zuender aber schaden richtet ist es fast zu schwer tnt zu zuenden ohne das man selber daran stirbt. Deswegen wuerde ich gerne...
  16. I_AmTheReaper

    Client- oder Serverseite?

    Hallo zusammen Wie ihr wahrscheinlich schon wisst kann in der 1.14 unter 1 1/2 block gaps sneaken. Deswegen ist der animation ein bisschen anders und fuer mich persoenlich ist es schwieriger zu bauen. Wenn ich jedoch in 1.13 spiele habe ich deutlich mehr lag als auf 1.14. Liegt das an mein...
  17. I_AmTheReaper

    Minecraft Party Felder anzeigen

    Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night Die felder werden bei DK Jungle in der lobby nicht angezeigt. Steht nur "Gross". Edit:
  18. I_AmTheReaper

    Fliegen auf der eigene IS ausschalten.

    Tach an alle, Mal kurz und knapp: Wie faendet ihrs wenn man auf der eigene insel waehlen kann ob besuchende premium spieler fliegen koennen? Manchmal will man nicht das einige teile der insel besichtigt/betreten werden, man will/kann sie aber auch nicht zubauen. In ein solcher fall waere es nett...
  19. I_AmTheReaper


    Hallo leute Ich wollte mal fragen ob sich jemand hier gut mit mobfarms auskennt, den ich habe einen in skyblock gebaut der nicht funktioniert und ich verstehe nicht warum. Ich habe den genau gleichen auf meiner shop IS gebaut und dort funktioniert es super. Ich habe schon 15-20 leute gefragt...
  20. I_AmTheReaper

    Skyblock /ad und /q

    Hallo alle zusammen Ich glaube ich nutze diesen unter forum zum ersten mal um eine verbesserungs thread zu schreiben anstatt um eine bug report zu schreiben. Nun, in Skyblock ist es verboten im normalen chat geschaefft zu fuehren, das heisst wenn ich ganz einfach fragen will "Verkauft jemand...